• Montebrujas Káva, a magical coffee that spellbinds your senses

  • Santander Origin Coffee

  • Single Origin Coffee

Santander Origin Coffee

Montebrujas Káva coffee is raised in the municipality of Palmas del Socorro, Province of Santander, Eastern part of Colombia. Its designation of origin and protected geographic designation were issued by the Federación de Cafeteros de Colombia (Colombian Association of Coffee Growers).

Coffee Cultivated Under Shadow

The crop of coffee shadowed from direct sunlight improves the edaphoclimatic (soil, water and air) conditions and permits the generation of microclimates within the coffee plantations, supporting the conservation of the biodiversity with a higher amount of species: birds, mammals and insects.

Preservation of the Ecosystem

The farm where Montebrujas Káva coffee is produced encourages the planting of forest coverage and good water basin protection practices, which will preserve the ecosystem and allow the establishment of new species of flora and fauna in the region.

Coffee Montebrujas Káva Environment


We are committed to the quality of Montebrujas coffee in each one of its grain transformation processes, with adequate handling practices starting from the very seed to the final packaged product, so you can get a beverage with the best qualities of Santander and Colombia.


Our qualified staff has experience in the coffee crop at all its stages: sowing, manure, inspection of the plant throughout its development, collect and grain process after the crop. Staff trainings are also organized with the intention of assuring the quality in every process involved.