The Farm

Farm where Montebrujas Káva coffee is produced

Our farm is located in the municipality of Palmas del Socorro, Province of Santander, North-Eastern part of Colombia on 1600-1700 meters above the sea level, with an average temperature of 18.5 °C. The year precipitation is of 1.350 mm.

This landscape has typical mountain traits with a majestic view over the Cordillera de los Cobardes. The farm is touched by the water of stream Montebrujas and much effort has been made to preserve the catchment area with healthy protection practices such as the preservation of the forest cover vegetation. In this way it is possible to preserve the flora and fauna as well as the hydric sources.

Coffee cultivated under shadow

Due to the geographic location of this part of the country, in the dry seasons there is considerable less clouds and thus the solar radiation increases a lot. Therefore it is essential to establish appropriate systems to deliver shadow and protect the natural grow of the coffee plants. In our case, we use native species such as the “Guamo Santafé”, “Plátano”, “Pomarroso” and cítricos among others. This condition allows the homogeneous and natural ripening, both inside and outside of the fruit, without direct sunlight which would accelerate the process; the result is a coffee that distinguishes itself from the rest for an overall balanced and homogeneous impression to the senses of exquisite intensity.